// Formula Name: TRAILING STOP PROFIT TAKER AFL By pipschart.com
// Author : KrT group
// Uploader : www.pipschart.com
// E-mail : info@pipschart.com
// Amibroker Blog: www.pipschart.com/amibroker
// Origin : Modified & Collected from different sources.
_SECTION_BEGIN("KrT group Logo");
GfxSelectFont("Impact",Font*2.2, 550);GfxSetTextColor(colorRed);GfxTextOut("KrT group",x,y);
GfxSelectFont("Impact",Font*2.2, 550);GfxSetTextColor(colorGreen);GfxTextOut("RESEARCH",x+120,Y);
EntrySignal = C > ( LLV( L, 20 ) + 2 * ATR( 10 ) );
ExitSignal = C < ( HHV( H, 20 ) - 2 * ATR( 10 ) );
Color = IIf( EntrySignal, colorBlue, IIf( ExitSignal, colorOrange, colorGrey50 ));
TrailStop = HHV( C - 2 * ATR(10), 15 );
ProfitTaker = EMA( H, 13 ) + 2 * ATR(10);
/* plot price chart and stops */
Plot( TrailStop, "Trailing stop", colorBrown, styleThick | styleLine );
Plot( ProfitTaker, "Profit taker", colorLime, styleThick );
Plot( C, "Price", color, styleCandle );
/* plot color ribbon */
Plot( 2, "", Color, styleArea | styleOwnScale | styleNoLabel, -0.1, 50 );
/* **********************************
Code to automatically identify pivots
********************************** */
// -- what will be our lookback range for the hh and ll?
farback=Param("How Far back to go",100,50,5000,10);
nBars = Param("Number of bars", 12, 5, 40);
// -- Title.
/* Title = Name() + " (" + StrLeft(FullName(), 15) + ") O: " + Open + ",
H: " + High + ", L: " + Low + ", C: " + Close; */
// -- Plot basic candle chart
PlotOHLC(Open, High, Low, Close,
"\n" + "O = " + O + "\n"+"H = "+ H + "\n"+"L = " + L
+ "\n"+"C",
color, styleCandle);
// -- Create 0-initialized arrays the size of barcount
aHPivs = H - H;
aLPivs = L - L;
// -- More for future use, not necessary for basic plotting
aHPivHighs = H - H;
aLPivLows = L - L;
aHPivIdxs = H - H;
aLPivIdxs = L - L;
nHPivs = 0;
nLPivs = 0;
lastHPIdx = 0;
lastLPIdx = 0;
lastHPH = 0;
lastLPL = 0;
curPivBarIdx = 0;
// -- looking back from the current bar, how many bars
// back were the hhv and llv values of the previous
// n bars, etc.?
aHHVBars = HHVBars(H, nBars);
aLLVBars = LLVBars(L, nBars);
aHHV = HHV(H, nBars);
aLLV = LLV(L, nBars);
// -- Would like to set this up so pivots are calculated back from
// last visible bar to make it easy to "go back" and see the pivots
// this code would find. However, the first instance of
// _Trace output will show a value of 0
aVisBars = Status("barvisible");
nLastVisBar = LastValue(Highest(IIf(aVisBars, BarIndex(), 0)));
_TRACE("Last visible bar: " + nLastVisBar);
// -- Initialize value of curTrend
curBar = (BarCount-1);
curTrend = "";
if (aLLVBars[curBar] <
aHHVBars[curBar]) {
curTrend = "D";
else {
curTrend = "U";
// -- Loop through bars. Search for
// entirely array-based approach
// in future version
for (i=0; i<farback; i++) {
curBar = (BarCount - 1) - i;
// -- Have we identified a pivot? If trend is down...
if (aLLVBars[curBar] < aHHVBars[curBar]) {
// ... and had been up, this is a trend change
if (curTrend == "U") {
curTrend = "D";
// -- Capture pivot information
curPivBarIdx = curBar - aLLVBars[curBar];
aLPivs[curPivBarIdx] = 1;
aLPivLows[nLPivs] = L[curPivBarIdx];
aLPivIdxs[nLPivs] = curPivBarIdx;
// -- or current trend is up
} else {
if (curTrend == "D") {
curTrend = "U";
curPivBarIdx = curBar - aHHVBars[curBar];
aHPivs[curPivBarIdx] = 1;
aHPivHighs[nHPivs] = H[curPivBarIdx];
aHPivIdxs[nHPivs] = curPivBarIdx;
// -- If curTrend is up...else...
// -- loop through bars
// -- Basic attempt to add a pivot this logic may have missed
// -- OK, now I want to look at last two pivots. If the most
// recent low pivot is after the last high, I could
// still have a high pivot that I didn't catch
// -- Start at last bar
curBar = (BarCount-1);
candIdx = 0;
candPrc = 0;
lastLPIdx = aLPivIdxs[0];
lastLPL = aLPivLows[0];
lastHPIdx = aHPivIdxs[0];
lastHPH = aHPivHighs[0];
if (lastLPIdx > lastHPIdx) {
// -- Bar and price info for candidate pivot
candIdx = curBar - aHHVBars[curBar];
candPrc = aHHV[curBar];
if (
lastHPH < candPrc AND
candIdx > lastLPIdx AND
candIdx < curBar) {
// -- OK, we'll add this as a pivot...
aHPivs[candIdx] = 1;
// ...and then rearrange elements in the
// pivot information arrays
for (j=0; j<nHPivs; j++) {
aHPivHighs[nHPivs-j] = aHPivHighs[nHPivs-
aHPivIdxs[nHPivs-j] = aHPivIdxs[nHPivs-(j+1)];
aHPivHighs[0] = candPrc ;
aHPivIdxs[0] = candIdx;
} else {
// -- Bar and price info for candidate pivot
candIdx = curBar - aLLVBars[curBar];
candPrc = aLLV[curBar];
if (
lastLPL > candPrc AND
candIdx > lastHPIdx AND
candIdx < curBar) {
// -- OK, we'll add this as a pivot...
aLPivs[candIdx] = 1;
// ...and then rearrange elements in the
// pivot information arrays
for (j=0; j<nLPivs; j++) {
aLPivLows[nLPivs-j] = aLPivLows[nLPivs-(j+1)];
aLPivIdxs[nLPivs-j] = aLPivIdxs[nLPivs-(j+1)];
aLPivLows[0] = candPrc;
aLPivIdxs[0] = candIdx;
// -- Dump inventory of high pivots for debugging
for (k=0; k<nHPivs; k++) {
_TRACE("High pivot no. " + k
+ " at barindex: " + aHPivIdxs[k] + ", "
+ WriteVal(ValueWhen(BarIndex()==aHPivIdxs[k],
DateTime(), 1), formatDateTime)
+ ", " + aHPivHighs[k]);
// -- OK, let's plot the pivots using arrows
IIf(aHPivs==1, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone), colorRed, 0,
High, Offset=-15);
IIf(aLPivs==1, shapeUpArrow , shapeNone), colorGreen, 0,
Low, Offset=-15);
AlertIf( aHPivs==1, "SOUND C:\\Windows\\Media\\Ding.wav", "Sell " + C,2,1+2,1);
AlertIf( aLPivs==1, "SOUND C:\\Windows\\Media\\Ding.wav","Buy " + C,1,1+2,1);
_SECTION_BEGIN("SkyBlue's Animated BkGround");
for( i = 1; i < BarCount; i++ )
z = (GetPerformanceCounter()/100)%256;
anim=ColorHSB( ( i + z ) % 256, 255, 100 );
Is it possible to an an exploration for when the up and down arrows occur so you can scan for this through numerous stocks? That would really be beneficial.
Sir please add buy and sell signal scanning in this afl
can u pls provide with buy and sell signal scanning along with ur trailing stop loss
Have been using this AFL scan with seasonal trades and it works very well. Is there a way to add buy-sell signal for scanning. I see the buy-sell arrows on the chart,
it would be nice to use it as in a scan, using a particular date,
versus scrolling thru charts.
Do the buy sell signals repaint ?
the arrows repaint